There unfortunately isn't too much to say about this game and that is a real shame. The premise is very interesting, especially in the age of games like Ghost of Tsushima, but it sadly falls flat of any prestigious status like that.

The story is very average at best, straight forward... far too simplistic and leaves little room for anyone I feel to care enough about the characters presented, protagonist or antagonist, they're all pretty uninteresting and incredibly generic, as is the story. It's clear this game was meant to be PLAYED rather than WATCHED, giving it a more arcadey status than cinematic... which is the intention anyways, but it would be nice to have a compelling story to go with it. What can I say about the gameplay though? It's repetitive, so even if there was a shred of hope to salvage the game, there isn't. It's pretty much endless waves of enemies, not too different from each other, they just tank more damage. It would be nice to have a larger variety with the combat aside from the same three moves for most of the game.

What bugged me the most was the entire Yomi segment and I began to relate with Hiroki's pain of going through these uninnovative puzzles and waves of enemies. However, I will give credit where its due... the boss fights are pretty sick and do require a level of skill and the combat itself is pretty difficult at times, which I guess makes up for the runtime, but at a certain point it's more frustrating than fun.

Pretty interesting game if you're into Kurosawa or basically anything relating to Samurai/Feudal Japan, but as a game on it's own... it's pretty poor.

Reviewed on Nov 03, 2022
