"If I get out of this alive, I'm never riding in an elevator again."

A pretty solid survival horror with a great visceral atmosphere that really keeps you on the edge of your seat. It is such a harrowing experience (in a good way) that keeps you going back for you, stopping you from really wanting to stop playing... however this game still has some setbacks, because otherwise I would have given it a much higher rating.

The cons about The Evil Within are primarily in it's optimisation to PlayStation 4. There were quite a few noticeable frame drops when I started the game and it made the game feel pretty sluggish, but once you get into the meat of the game say around chapter 4-5, you start to notice it less and it becomes a lot more enjoyable.

Once getting used to it, the gameplay was really satisfying. I loved taking on Haunted even when I didn't need to because it was just so satisfying racking up all these headshots. The boss fights may not have been as innovative as the likes of the Resident Evil series (I assume) but I didn't mind them. Laura and The Keeper will be bosses embedded in my mind for quite some time since they were really interesting and fun concepts.

Narratively, I can see why some people might have some issues. The game doesn't really tell you what's going on until the halfway point and honestly... I love that choice of narrative style. The uncertainty you feel for about 8 or so chapters is enough to get you into this visceral atmosphere that I don't think it needed to be told to you until much later what was going on, otherwise this sense of uncertainty would be lost and it would make the experience a lot less interesting to be honest.

When everything starts to be pieced together, the game still maintains it's momentum and the narrative from that point on is still quite interesting. I really enjoyed seeing the origins of Ruvik and Laura and a lot of the ghost tales told throughout areas that subtly reveal things to you was a nicer touch than having it all dumped in cutscenes.

Overall, such an underrated gem of a survival horror that I recommend to people that really enjoy that genre. Can't wait to play the sequel which is said to be even more of an improvement of an already pretty good game.

Reviewed on Apr 30, 2023
