"Don't you think that's a little harsh? Killing me for the way I t-t-t-t-talk?"

This isn't that bad, not nearly as bad as people make it out to be at least. I think it's definitely flawed in some areas but it's pretty fun, competent, crazy and as wacky/wild as a Devil May Cry game should be. What makes this not the best though is the repetitive level design + vague story that leaves you asking more questions than having the answers to them.

So, the gameplay is great, arguably the best in the series (so far, haven't played DmCR or 5), it elevates itself above DmC 3 with so many additions to the combat and just feels way smoother and polished, however... the level design is pretty repetitive, but not awful and I think people really exaggerate when they complain about the levels and the puzzles within them, because they weren't frustrating or all that hard to be quite honest. What I found repetitive was the bosses; When you play Nero's half of the game it's pretty standard Devil May Cry boss progression and design, but the catch is you play through them ALL again as Dante.... and then again as Nero during Mission 19, so you quite literally play the game 3 times and if you're like me who utilised Human mode to compensate for missing orbs in Devil Hunter, it's even worse because I swear I fought the same bosses up to 4-5 times so... replayability value is quite low.

I do not understand the story. I mean, there are sections I do understand but the motives of Sanctus I don't get at all. I don't even know why Dante is here, I assume because Lady hired him? But when the game shows you halfway through after making the jump to Dante, everyone is just very vague on their motives, the only one who I understood was Nero because his storyline was pretty straightforward and clear despite the antagonist still being vague himself. From what I gather, Sanctus did an inside job attack and then repelled it so that he could be worshipped as the savior instead of Sparda???? Anyways, I digress. Decent narrative that I think could have done with more explanation and a lot more padding, which I think is where some of the "unfinished game" complaints come from, despite the game actually feeling very complete to me if we disregard the repetitive bosses.

Didn't know how to definitely score this one, there were elements I really enjoyed but some moments that just left me confused and wanting to like it more, so a 7-8/10 is the best I can muster for this one. Still recommend it to people who are interested, specifically to Devil May Cry as a series, I think this is a pretty solid entry point because it's a perfect mix between being a walk in the park and then challenging when it wants to, much more friendly in contrast to DmC 3.

Reviewed on Jun 13, 2023
