I played 80 hours of it mostly during season 8 and a little of season 9, enjoyed what I played and I was starting to enjoy arena mode even more, even if I'm not that good. People talk shit about it not having the exact same movement as titanfall but it's still a hell of a lot more over anything else like cod or battlefield. Sliding, how much you can climb over stuff, how much control you have while in the air, stuff you can do with ziplines, all the movement feels really nice, it's as boots-on-the-ground combat as possible while having really free movement unlike anything else I'm aware of. I also surprisingly like the gun damage balance like how many bullets it takes to kill, guns are like half the damage of in cod games AND everyone has shields that can double their health on top of that, and it actually works instead of feeling like you're not doing enough. It's also nice for hipfiring to be much more useful than in a cod game. Also it was fuckin vtubers that made it look fun and made me want to try the game out lol, I watched like 7 hours of one of minato aqua's streams she was trying to get to master rank solo, that feels important to mention here.

Reviewed on Nov 30, 2021
