Level design is either dull or actively annoying and nearly every level feels like it mainly reuses the same 4 or 5 enemies. Bosses also felt like some have some straight up unavoidable attacks or misleading hitboxes and do way too much damage, while some other bosses have the laziest pattern of just moving back and forth from the sides of a boss room. The special weapons are kind of weird to use too and the upward dash is too slow to be any use fighting a boss that rushes at you, even the soundtrack's kind of annoying to me. I don't get how anyone ranks this as "like the first 2 games but a little worse", it's as bad as X6 imo yet managed to piss me off more. I wanna say that this being developed by the people that did the game boy mega man games explains everything, but that'd actually feel a little mean to say lol since I know nothing about the quality of those game boy games and it does feel like they put in effort to put in features they couldn't do in those like zero and the ride armors and more upgrades, though those also all kinda suck too. Also unfortunate the zero project romhack really didn't make me like the game any more even though it probably removes some annoying stuff.

Reviewed on Jan 08, 2022
