Excellent game! The Metacritic is far too low (currently 72% on the PS5 I played it on, but the PC version is 75%). It's clearly inspired by Resident Evil 1, but it manages to do its own thing very well.

The good: Almost everything was great in this game. The puzzles felt like the right difficulty for the most part. They weren't too easy, but I could eventually figure them out. There were a couple little things I looked up tips on (google "Tormented Souls tips" and there's a good site that gives away little hints for each puzzle without spoiling the whole thing). The way you can manipulate some of the puzzle items was cool (like the wrench), though it's totally understandable if it left some players scratching their heads. It's sort of a trial by fire thing, and it works in my opinion. Also the good ending was really really cool. I freaked out with excitement when I realized what was happening! And the optional steps to get that good ending were fun too. The monster design was good (with one exception). The story was decent enough, and was on par with Resident Evil and Silent Hill, I think. Nothing mind blowing, but I was engaged. The atmosphere was top notch. Similarly, there were a few early game moments of panic when I had to run around a room trying to find a way to light it up so I could shoot the enemies that were chasing me! The game builds up the dread and it pays off better than most survival horror games. I also like how you could choose between tank controls and normal controls. I don't know who in their right mind would choose the tank controls besides doing a challenge run (is there an achievement for this like there was in the Grim Fandango remaster?), BUT I'm really happy the option was there. Another positive was the limited saving. There were maybe 15 total save tapes in the game? Which was plenty as long as you're trying to conserve them. The difficulty of combat was easy enough that I never even actually died, so I never really felt the scarcity of the tapes. The game itself was a good length and never overstays its welcome. I beat it in maybe 13-14 hours, but if I hadn't gotten stuck a couple of times I probably could have done it in 10. I think one of the best parts is that it does a lot with a little. The entire game takes place in the hospital (which is also a mansion), but you get access to more areas as the game progresses. There's a lot of backtracking, but it was rarely burdensome because you're constantly opening new doors as shortcuts. Doors you run into early on might finally get opened mid or late game, so you slowly see the fruits of your labors.

Meh: One minor complaint is that there wasn't a lot of variation in the enemies. Also, there weren't a lot of weapons to choose from either (maybe this sparsity is an advantage though because other games go overboard). There was one items I had to look up the location because I just couldn't find it, though I guess that's a personal problem (the item was the missing ring on the key mid-game). And then there was one of those puzzles I just couldn't figure out on my own because I thought the logic was a little bit of a stretch (the door with the alien picture on it). This may also be an individual issue, so I wouldn't want to knock down the score just for that.

The bad: There's not a lot, but two things stand out as atrocious. The first is the voice acting and human animations. Bad voice acting is a staple in survival horror games, but the character models were rough. The enemies were actually pretty good design-wise (barring the next bad thing I'm about to say), but the humans were so stiff, especially in cut scenes, which I would expect to be more polished. The other bad thing (and this might be considered by some to be a spoiler, but it's really a minor inconvenience in the plot and imo totally unnecessary to the game) is The Monster. Late game you get a monster reminiscent of RE 3's nemesis or RE 2's Mr. X. It's really more of a mild annoyance than anything, and only tangentially ties into the plot at the end. It's easy to despawn by exiting the room and reentering again. He only appears in some room. Its animation is probably worse than the human's animation. It grabs you from an awkward distance. I think the game would have been much better without it.

Overall a fantastic game. I give it a 9/10. I'd love to see a follow-up. If the game could jump in quality the same way Silent Hill did when the sequel game out, I think the developers could easily create one of the best survival horror games of all time. And much like Silent Hill 1 was, Tormented Souls is already a modern classic.

Reviewed on Jul 16, 2022

1 Comment

1 year ago

Another thing I really liked about the game is a bit more spoiler-ish, so I didn't necessarily want to put it in the main review, is that I really enjoyed the time travel aspects of the game and how they affect the plot as a whole. If they make a sequel, it might be cool for them to expand the time travel sections to make them bigger. They were a bit railroaded-in since a lot of doors were blocked, though this did save the headache of not knowing where to go.

Another meh was that the final boss battle was just alright, and even seemed a bit buggy because the tentacle animations didn't always work right for me. It was too easy and wasn't too interesting of a fight. The mini-boss battle a few rooms before was a lot better.