Before anything is said, I should mention that I played this in 2022, long after the release of this game. I understand that generally this game was well received for it's "innovative" gameplay and focus on storytelling. And ok... sure, I can see that being true. But even so, it has certainly not withstood the test of time.

I have many issues with David Cage's elementary level writing. His characters are flat - there's no depth whatsoever. The story is a mess, plot holes everywhere with completely unbelievable decision-making by the protagonist. And without spoiling any of the story beats, I will say that just about every conflict in this game is totally unrealistic and contrived. Having played Heavy Rain, Beyond: Two Souls, and Detroit, I firmly believe no women or few women were involved in these projects because jesus christ there seems to be an obsession with lonely women wandering their city apartments in their underwear all lonely and sexy and sad.

The controls are tedious - I understand wanting to create a sense of immersion, but I do not feel like I'm being bonded with the game when I meticulously wind the joystick to open each and every door. It doesn't work and really takes me out of the experience. I want to feel connected to these characters, but am distracted by spontaneous button presses. I can't focus on the material of a scene if my eye is darting around the screen waiting for the next quicktime event.

This game is cringe. But at least its funny. Its not meant to be funny, but I'll take what I can get.

If you want to play this game, maybe do it for the meme. But otherwise I'd say it's not worth anyone's time.

Reviewed on Jan 07, 2023
