I cannot think of a single game I miss playing more
this is THE most important game to me
my favorite game ever
I can't play it anymore, because I was obligated to change to windows 10
technically I can still play it, but it's hell to make it run. fuck.

the aspect of this game getting broken so easily honestly makes me like it even more LMAO

fuck you, EA, for almost ruining the sims series with ts4 being a complete cashgrab of a game where you need to pay for every little thing

if you're a player of this game, but ONLY this game in the sims series and not the other sims games, please play the sims 2, it is MUCH better than this, the sims 3 is pretty great too

great game but nowadays it serves mostly for nostalgia, I doubt there are any active the sims 1 players due to its limitations, but it's still pretty fun but it gives no nostalgia to me whatsoever since I grew up with the sims 2 (also when I played it as a kid ts3 was already out and for a bit ts4 too but I only played ts2)

great game, maybe the weirdest in the franchise but that is it's charm for me
I played this on pc and xbox, but mostly xbox
also once when I was playing it on xbox, a fucking power transformer exploded on my street and the power was out for like 1/2 days and the internet for like a week. AND i lost my fucking xbox because of that explosion

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cock n balls
imagine being so bad that I can speedrun your house and escape it in 2 mins