Trepang2 takes a lot of inspiration from the F.E.A.R. games. Most notably the slo-mo bullet time mechanic. There's also the supernatural horror elements and even the med pack and armor items you can find.

The gunplay is quite satisfying and very fun. In addition to the slo-mo mechanic, there's also a mechanic that turns you invisible for a while adds an additional layer to the combat. You can find gun mods and customize guns to your liking.

The enemy A.I. is pretty solid and their dialogue is varied and reflects the condition and situation they're in.

The game does have various cheats that are beneficial and are just meant to use as handicaps which are great for those that want a really challenging experience.

The story has some predictable moments, but there's a lot of intrigue with an interesting plot twist. I did wished it was told better though since there's not any formal cutscene which instead opts for radio dialogue for a lot of it. There's also a lot of intel that you can find that reveals much of the mystery.

Most of the level and stages could've been better. The first two are pretty solid, but falls to mediocre afterwards. There's some side missions too, but most consists of dealing with enemy waves in one massive area.

It's worth noting that the major story bosses in the game are very difficult. I'm not sure that it's balanced very well especially the last two. I played most of the game on Hard difficulty, but had to drop the difficulty down for those two bosses.

The horror elements are pretty lacking. There are very far and few in between to really promote this aspect. It has some decent vibes here and there though.

Overall, the game doesn't scratch the itch I have for F.E.A.R. as a total package, but it excels quite well in the gunplay.

Reviewed on Nov 27, 2023
