The Bridge Curse was developed by the Taiwanese team that also made the Sword and Fairy and the Xuan-Yuan Sword games. I believe this is their first attempt at a horror game. It's also an adaptation of the same name movie (which I haven't seen).

Probably because it was adapted from a movie, the plot pretty much feels like an Asian horror movie one. A couple of college students engaging in a horror ritual and get caught up with some supernatural ghosts.

The story was an enjoyable one even it wasn't anything amazing. Reading the past incidents through journals and letters kept a lot of my interest. Some of the character mysteries in their background were also good.

I'm mixed on the characters though. It might be because there's a lot of humor sprinkled into the tone and atmosphere, but they feel like they act all over the place. In one moment they're concerned about the strange supernatural elements and the next they are worried about some trivial parts of their lives.

The gameplay is a miss mostly for me. The game changes character perspective frequently and it's all shown through first person as you move around. There aren't many locations in the game so there's a lot of backtracking. There's a few puzzles in the game, but most are simple.

The game starts with a chase/stealth segment which was annoying to deal with. There isn't much of that until near the end of the game when it becomes annoyingly more common.

The horror elements are pretty good. The setting and backgrounds get pretty creepy. Although, it's immersion breaking when the characters ignore all of the weird stuff happening in front of them.

Overall, it's a decent horror game, but the stealth and chase segments weren't very fun. It's somewhat short and took me roughly 5 hours to complete.

Reviewed on Dec 04, 2023
