I'm a general fan of Hit-Point games, but this one has left me with some mixed feelings.

The story is interesting with a lot of twists throughout. Some predicable, some not as much. The world is also interesting with the whole surface world and under world setup.

The characters are mostly fine although I think the MC is on the very generic side. The heroine could've been more interesting as well. Not much development and growth for the characters, but it's there.

Maybe it's because of the world is setup here, but there's no overworld like many other Kemco and Hit Point titles. You essentially pick town and dungeon locations from a map and instantly transport to them.

I like the way the sprite looks, but they have very little animation.

Battles are generally fast paced and overall fun. The system is pretty standard except for the Guardian Beast part. Every character has something like a Guardian based on the story and they help out in battle. Basically serving like additional party members with their own health, stats and abilities. The downside is that they can't be controlled and their actions are all random. Not a big deal with a skill size of just 3 for them. Despite the story implications, these Guardian Beasts can be freely swapped among the playable party members.

The party is of average size, but the battle party of just 3 does feel limiting. The 3 additional Guardian members does add to it, but it's not quite the same as having 6 party members in battle.

Different from many Hit Point titles is that there's a bigger emphasis on crafting equipment in this game. Equipment also branch off to other ones too which sounds nice. The reality is that you need to fully upgrade one equipment before they can be branched off into another one. This makes gathering materials a big chore.

There are requests you can take on the side which amounts to pretty much collect and give X amount of Y items or defeat a number of X enemies. There's an occasional boss request too. These aren't all that interesting, but what makes some of them a pain to do is that the RNG needed to spawn certain enemies not to mention the required items or kills needed can be very high despite the rarity. Oftentimes, I would just find myself running around the same areas over and over again just to complete these (curse my completionist habit).

Surprisingly, there isn't a way to easily break or overlevel in this game like the other Kemco titles. The game isn't that difficult, but some of the optional bosses can be quite challenging if you attempt to fight them the first time you can.

Overall, the game was enjoyable and the main story kept my interest in seeing where things would go. It's not long either and can be cleared in 20 hours or less. The sidequest and crafting system could've been retuned to not waste so much time.

Reviewed on Dec 28, 2023
