Quick Review

Little Nightmares is a 2.5D horror puzzle platformer. The dark atmosphere and tone of the game was done very well. It felt creepy and disturbing at times.

The world appears interesting, but the game doesn't explain much of it including the story. The game starts with the main character waking up on a dark ship and then proceeds to escape. The game has no dialogue and pretty much has no cutscenes. The ending also left me with many questions. As a side note, the world is quite expansive based on the related comics and 2nd game.

The gameplay itself is quite fun. The platforming bits are mostly solid although since the game is done on a 2.5 dimension and the camera being limited, some of the jumping segments are more difficult than I'd liked. Especially ones that have diagonal jumping.

The chase sequences can also be difficult at times when you're suddenly stuck in a room and the appropriate response and escape are not completely clear.

Puzzles are mostly moderate level, but there were a few that left me stuck and unable to progress.

The game is also very short and could be finished in about 2-3 hours for the first playthrough. There are 4 areas in the game, but the final one is quite short. The DLC levels aren't that long either, but still about 50% as long as the main story, maybe a bit more.

Overall, good platforming game, but too short with a story that isn't explained very well.

Reviewed on Oct 24, 2022
