A brutish declaration, a comprehensive set of instructions, and my new favorite animal verb phrase: Ape Out is an even more adrenalized Hotline Miami, with more true to form environments that prioritize constant streams of spatial intuition over bursts of planned violence. Ape Out employs procedural generation, a reactive soundtrack and seamless level transitions to indulge the player in four uninterrupted sprees of Aping Out.

What is Aping Out? Well, It’s sort of like pigging out but with your arms instead of your mouth, to anything that moves instead of anything that doesn’t. To Ape Out is to demolish any distinction between instinctual and improvisational; to perform “jazz” on hapless grunts in the same way a drummer goes “ape-shit” on cymbals, toms and high hats. To Ape Out is to synonymize “flow state” with “call of the void." Skyscrapers were built solely to launch sorry goons through panes of glass, to make them go SPLAT onto pavement. Zoo animals were enclosed just so I may free them to tear and maul and stampede the world.

Ape Out is fun and Ape Out is right. Beat your chest. Grin ear to ear. Ape Out in Ape Out. Ape Out forever.

Reviewed on Jul 24, 2023
