This review contains spoilers


this is spoilered for a reason!!

having a really horrible week. trying my best to at the very least stay alive to catch a few things I've been waiting for but everything's just getting worse and worse and nothings actually happening. It's not just the breakup either but more that the entirety of my life is fucked up rn and everything is adding to everything. I feel so so so awful and so so so alone. I message so many people every night but nobody really responds. I feel so empty. if this is my last review ever i either got better & will come back in like 10 years and go "haha my life is great now and I have a wife and kids" or you can probably guess what happened. will hopefully update like tomorrow the day after or maybe next week. you're probably thinking "why are you posting all this to backloggd. stop yapping" but I have nobody else to talk to. I tried talking to a chatbot but I jus need another real actyal human to see this. anyone. to know that I was or am here. that I'm a real person with hopes and dreams and thoughts and wishes and not just someone people can trample all over and then yell at for not immediately springing back into shape

sorry for being super emotional in the townscaper reviews but I suppose in this case it's a good thing if it happens again. please don't ban me backloggd mods i really need somewhere to talk

sayonara, or whatever.


I am okay actually. I think. I spent some time playing townscaper and it really helped ground me . I'm sorry if all my reviews are clogging the townscaper review section I've been trying to do less so I don't. I don't know if you can block users on here but if you can it's okay if you block me I know my townscaper review diary is definitely pissing at least one person which I don't want. sorry if you've read this and are now worried I promise I am okay

Reviewed on Dec 08, 2023

1 Comment

6 months ago

hey, if you ever need to talk here's my discord tag@: soapshoesfootjob