No-brainer, this is the ultimate Mega Man fanservice package. Unfathomably stuffed with every degree of bonus content imaginable. You have the main MM1 Remix which is already a great game, but added on top are not just various difficulties, but also the option to play with the entire original level design of MM1 with the new chibi art style. Even if you're me who thinks the original Mega Man is some hot boiling diarrhea ass of a game, it's an addition ever the more thoughtful.

That's an already satisfying bundle if you ask me, and if this came out in 2023 this would be a notably content-packed collection, but where Powered Up goes above and beyond is in its bonus content. Defeating Robot Masters with just the Mega Buster unlocks the ability to play as them, in addition to unlocking sets of challenges unique to them, totalling over a hundred unique levels to master.

And that's not even to mention the most impressive offering Powered Up brings to the table: the level creator. Coming way before the time of Mega Man Maker is an entirely, satisfyingly robust stage creator that, for its time, takes incredibly innovative use of the PlayStation Network's online system to share and play created levels with players from around the world. Even today as I cannot fully experience this option in an emulator I am still in awe at its implementation and how this was something fans could do a whole decade before Super Mario Maker and Mega Man Maker would let you.

Even now, as Capcom has been heavily pushing Mega Man's historic legacy titles over a number of collections over the past decade, even in their abundance, none of them have been able to capture the soul and passion for its fans Capcom embued in Powered Up all the way back in 2006. Most impressively, I'd say, is that they made Mega Man 1 fun to play. As a Nintendo-only child who only had a Gamecube with the Anniversary Collection (which by the way, is still a great collection of fully coded ports in comparison to the emulated compilations we have today), seeing this in one of my gaming magazines prior to its release was one of my earliest memories of console envy. In a perfect world this would have sold better and we would have gotten Powered Up 2, and never had I the opportunity to call a hypothetical game a potential favorite until now. What got though is still pretty damn great.

Reviewed on May 06, 2023

1 Comment

1 year ago

All of the levels I downloaded are still on my PSP, I honestly never thought to back up that save until now, but in a bit of an unexpected twist I found out that they're apparently all backed up on a certain resource. Goddamn, I love tight-nit communities.