Dead Rising 2 is a Downgrade from dead rising 1 in nearly every aspect of importance

The story hardly develops the characters in any meaningful way fails to create any suspense stakes mystery or drama and comes off as a bland story with no direction on top of this the pacing in-between cases is awful and padded even more with giving Katey zombrex the time you have in this game to do the missions is far to plentiful compared to dead rising 1

The Zombie AI is god awful having zombies strewn about not in close clumps like the first game having some zombies be fast for no reason other than to artificially grab you and having zombies that look lifeless suddenly lunge at the player even if this all is fair on paper it feels awful and cheap whenever you get grabbed or take damage

The combo weapons system while cool in concept I had no reason to use it just like the first game all you need is 5 or so core weapons and you'll be fine I was hoping for some better motivation to actually experiment aside from curiosity and I was sadly disappointed epically since to make a combo weapon you usually have to go out of your way unless its a very basic one

The Map is worse also having 4 nearly identical casinos and a underground and many other areas on the map that barely see any action in story or side missions I would've preferred one bigger casino with other well realized areas in the other 3s place than 4 areas on the map that play the same and look nearly identical

And finally although this one is more subjective there is far less charm in the Vegas inspired setting of Fortune City than the Willamette Mall epically with reused music and no notable tracks that stand out of its own

Thank you for reading my review.

Reviewed on Nov 29, 2023
