I dropped this because of a crashing problem at a specific point that I couldn't fix, but I'll give a few thoughts anyway:

Spiderman is the most annoying character known to man this game goes HARD on mute

The web-swinging and combat are actually decently cool, even if the latter is actually pretty mindless and you really don't need to use 99% of the tools the game gives you

The progression systems are largely, honestly, just mediocre. It's basically just generic AAA open world progression system stuff: an unneeded experience points system, upgrades that require you to complete Ubisoft-tier open world side content (of which open world is basically just a Ubisoft checklist of extra, mostly boring content)

Game is really pretty and the visual direction is... decent, the remaster did a lot for the graphics as a whole

I likely probably would've finished this if not for the aforementioned crashing issue (among some other PC port issues like having to turn off SMT to get maximum performance from the game) and I might end up finishing it later down the line if I can actually get my hands on the game and patches.

Reviewed on Sep 05, 2022
