Well I just finished Killzone Mercenary, this was a lot of fun! First game I played in the series and it was cool. While the game isn't really anything special in the sea of FPS games out there as a handheld FPS game from 2013 it's pretty good and it's an really impressive game for the hardware and the time. I also like how the levels were designed. I never found them too easy or too hard, there were linear but also still gave space to move/look around. The game is also well paced with levels and overall campaign not being too long. I also like how the game scatters shops throughout a level. So you can change your load out or pay to reload/buy new gear, and every kill you do you get paid for it. Since the MC is a mercenary, he just cares about getting paid and he ends up fighting on both sides of the war. Story wise I wouldn't say it's all great it's fine nothing too special but it does the job. A neat game overall, kinda tempted to even try the PS3 games if there as fun as this game.

But yeah I enjoyed the game more than I expected. I can see why it's considered one of the best Vita games. It's a well made game. Worst thing about it is that the game isn't anything special but that doesn't make it bad. What makes it cool, is that's it's on the Vita! Also the frame rate can tank sometimes when things get busy on the screen, even with the overclocking I did. It wouldn't say it ruins the game. You can tell the game is really pushing the Vita to it's limits, I think that's kinda cool but also distracting. The game is essentially a PS3 level FPS game on Vita and while the game itself isn't mind blowing. It's mind blowing what the game managed to pull off on handheld in 2013. Kinda a shame the game didn't too well like most Vita games, it is a real showcase for the Vita. It's a fun game shows what could have been if people actually cared about the Vita. But instead it got turn into a low budget weeb machine. Now I feel even more bad for the Vita! D:

Anyway if I were rated it I'd give it like a 7.5. losing points for a mostly lackluster story, framerate drops, and not exactly being something mind blowing for FPS games in general. To be clear though still a pretty fun game!

Reviewed on Nov 13, 2022
