A sloppy game with wonderfully phoned in voice performances by various A list actors, and horrific dialogue from Nick Kang, the worst cop in an ocean of bad cops.

Though I do give this game stars due to it's immersion with performing police work, turning on your sirens, chasing a gang car shooting you with uzis, getting them to crash their car, hop out and take the gun fight on the street and shooting back, and trying to arrest the guys that aren't immediately gunned down for bonus points.

You're also able to frisk random passers by for contraband/weapons which in real life is a horrific gross invasion of privacy and agency, but in this game it gives you a little bonus when you frisk a random old lady and pull out an ak-47 from thin air and arrest them, and throw them on the ground like a sack of potatoes.

While the dialogue is ham-fisted with varying degrees of racist accents, the story escalation gives me cozy vibes from old 80s/90s loose cannon cop movies, as well as John Wu because Nick can dual wield weapons which is so much fun and you can upgrade his pistols to the point he is dual wielding .45 caliber desert eagles and just obliterate goons while diving in slow motion, the only thing missing is a flock of doves flowing from you as you do it!

Starting from following random gang bangers ending with stopping an international communist conspiracy to end US banking, there is fun to be had.

Though all that sounds great it's held back because the controls are very stiff and has horrible auto aiming.
Not as bad as something like Drake and the 99 Dragons but still very poor. Driving feels like you're on ice and there's combat thrown in because this game didn't have enough to juggle, boils down to hopelessly mashing until you get the prompt to mash in buttons more to perform a special move.

Sloppy, sloppy PS2/Gamecube/Xbox era gameplay, absolutely the game I'd recommend you rent from Movie Gallery for a weekend back in the day!

Reviewed on Jul 10, 2022
