This is your brain on capitalism.

GARAGE is the kind of experience that'll stick with me forever. An immersive, overwhelming, one-of-a-kind world full of suffering, charm, grit, and love. At its simplest, it's a game about a stranger in a small town full of quirky characters not unlike Twin Peaks, but with your only mission being to escape. The layers which reflect capitalism, industrialization, misogyny, and the body, all come after. It's got a pretty heavy third act with thoughtful and harrowing emotional and psychological threads, all tangled up like pipes and wires - no matter which ending you land on.

I can totally picture myself wanting to recommend this to people, but ultimately I kinda think I can't - just because of how totally obtuse, cryptic, and kind of impossible it is to play without the assistance of the very welcoming discord community.

Great game for me. But I dunno who else it's for.

Reviewed on Feb 17, 2023
