i think this game is the game that best exemplifies the values of "Wario".
wario is trapped in a magic music box after surviving a plane disaster, and is tasked with saving this realm in exchange for its riches.

wario posesses herculean strength. wario cannot be killed by any means. wario can have every treasure in the world but he can not have dignity.

in lieu of such lowly systems such as "health" and "lose conditions", wario instead is constantly punished and humiliated by his environment. while many mascots will be burned and flattened as they go on their adventures, for wario, undergoing torture is mandatory for progression, which paints a picture of a man who'll do anything for riches. wario is the gigolo of platformers.
wario is not unlike zero mostel's character from The Producers (1967).

perhaphs, what wario wants, isn't just treasure, but "everything". he wants to experience all the pain and pleasure life can provide.

i really like how the music in this game sounds very nasally, as if its nose is always being pinched.

Reviewed on May 26, 2024

1 Comment

22 days ago

You are someone who truly understands Wario. Bravo