God, this was just a pain to play and the sad part is that it’s not due to it’s difficulty, it’s due to the unholy amount of glitches it has, the sad part is some of the stages are actually well designed and the music is good but the game is just so unplayable that it doesn’t matter.

The thing is I think if they gave this 1-2 years of development it would receive Adventure 2 and Generations level of praise, there’s so much wasted potential in this game, the story is actually not half bad, with a little tweaking here and there it could’ve been an AMAZING introduction to a dark tone for a Sonic game, the story has way more effort put into it than something like Forces, but it’s such a rushed product that none of it matters at all.

I’ve only played Episode Sonic in this, I tried playing Episode Shadow for a bit but around ~5 minutes in I got into a glitch that forced me to shut down the system, I think that says quite enough about this game. It looks alright for a 2006 game although I find it sad how empty Soleanna is, there’s only around 20 people in the entire town, and only like 7 you can actually talk to. Now Sonic 06 sure has a lot of playable characters! Aaand none of them are really good…

Sonic and Shadow easily control the best and it isn’t even a competition, I played with Silver once and it was dreadful, I hate the lack of double jump for him, Tails, and Knuckles. Tails I feel similarly to Silver about, and Knuckles is terrible, it’s impossible to hit enemies with him and the gliding feature barely works.

The way the stories intersect while cool the first few times, just started to rub me the wrong way afterwards. The boss battles are extremely easy other than Silver’s, the first 2 are the hardest ones and the last 2 are the easiest ones. Also that Silver boss battle is the reason I don’t sleep at night

Reviewed on May 16, 2022
