Golden Sun was such a huge part of my childhood, and after not touching it for many years, I'm really happy I was able to come back and still really enjoy it.

Golden Sun's class and Djinn system is easily the game's greatest strength. There's so many different builds to experiment with for each playable character, and since it is so easy to swap classes, you have basically the entire game to experiment and find a style you like. Even once you've picked a class, you need to think about whether to use the Djinn in battle since their abilities are very powerful but come at the cost of your character's stats. Golden Sun isn't very difficult, so just about everything is viable and it's up to the player to decide what they enjoy most.

I wish there wasn't as much backtracking, and I wish the cast of characters were more interesting and memorable. I also found the dialogue to be pretty jank at times, especially since Isaac can only ever react with a 'yes' or 'no'. Overall, Golden Sun is a flawed but great JRPG and I'm really glad I can still enjoy it today. Onto The Lost Age!

Reviewed on Sep 16, 2023
