I wanted to and really tried to enjoy this game but I couldn't. The combat system was okay but not interesting or quick enough to make battles feel fun. I really hated the amount of enemies and how they respawn the second you move the camera - I never knew how strong I should be for the next boss since there's no way to know how many enemies to kill. Eventually, I realized that it's not even worth fighting regular enemies since they give practically zero EXP compared to metal slimes, which I feel wastes a lot of the otherwise great enemy designs.

Unfortunately, I didn't find the story or characters interesting enough to keep me motivated throughout the game (except Yangus, he's great). There are certainly some cool and exciting moments during the story, but overall it still felt pretty generic. I know that Dragon Quest isn't trying to break new barriers with JRPGs, but I was still hoping for something that could keep me interested.

The skill point system was actually really nice and would definitely make the game more interesting to replay, but I don't see myself coming back anytime soon. I didn't complete any of the postgame content, so maybe I'll do that someday? I'm pretty sure there was plenty of content I missed during the main game too, since I got fed up with exploring pretty early on after finding mostly nothing but open fields.

I'm sure this game is fine if you like the combat system and don't mind a generic and grindy JRPG. It just wasn't for me.

Reviewed on Jan 26, 2023
