"Just a little bit further" the game

But in all seriousness, I'm such a consoomer for loving this game. I'm sure if I played the original I wouldn't appreciate this specific version as much, but with this being my only exposure to the game, god it's good. It's really good. I get why people gassed this game up so much back in the day. Maybe it's tired now after a sequel, multiple rereleases, and now an HBO series, but this game just feels timeless story-wise. Obviously the gameplay has been updated from the original, although I don't really have a reference since I didn't play the original release. The updated gameplay is great, and although I kinda felt out of the loop on some elements for most of the game, there was a specific point where something just clicked and I was able to execute a perfect move, and the gunplay just finally felt natural for me. The graphics are amazing, probably one of, if not the best looking game I've ever played up until this point. I know I'm soying about this game so much when everyone else already has, but it's really great. The biggest issue is the fact that it's just an unnecessary remake. Remaking a game like this extensively is nice and all, but at its core it's still a damn good looking PS3 game, and on top of that there was already a remaster for PS4. Charging $70 for a PS3 game at its core is scummy. There's no denying that. That's really my only major complaint: the pricing. As great as a remake as it is, it feels unnecessary and needlessly overpriced. Everything else about the game is perfect, though. Rating the game on its own merits, I can't really give this one anything below a 10. Some of the most fun I've had playing a game in recent memory, there wasn't really a single low point for me.

Reviewed on Feb 15, 2023
