the second biggest flaw of rf5 is that there is no weird romantic tension between a shitty little back stabbing bastard of a dwarf and an emotionally constipated horse guy, as in, guy who actually was a horse, which spans for the entire length of the game from the first act to the finale as the entire town looks on with a knowing smile

the first biggest flaw is that the farm dragons dont have individual seasons

Okay, actual review time.

Mh. I'm not sure how to say this best?
I played and loved RF4 back in 2015, it was one of my most played games and, to this day, is an absolute comfort game. As such, I was incredibly excited for RF5, and in the end... it did not meet my expectations.

I preordered the Limited Edition w steelbook, CD, artbook, and plush, and the extras are all quite nice and good quality for their price.
The game though... Well.

Biggest criticisms first: It runs like ass on the console it was made for. Loading times are hell, framedrops are frequent. It looks... gently put, not good. It feels empty, the game world feels monotonous and too big, and traversal simply isn't fun. Some of the sound effects (especially the crickets) are obnoxious and led to me playing the game without sound at multiple points.

The characters took a while to get me invested, and even now (after more than 100 hours of play time) I care for most of the town very little; but there is a decent amount of personality to each of them if you care to look for it.

The bachelors and bachelorettes are... okay? I was very excited for the chance to finally be gay in a RF game, so I'll be honest, I hardly spared the girls a second glance (unless the game forced me to, which it did often and aggressively so). The boys are a mixed bag, and I eventually had to decide between Ryker - who seemed interesting at the start but kept feeling more and more flat the more of his events I played - and Martin - who seemed quite boring and like "just some guy" at the start, and still definitely feels like "just some guy", but at least he doesn't pretend otherwise. The rest of them are fine too, I think, just not to my taste.

The farming is... okay? It's not great, tile detection is weird sometimes, but it works well enough. My biggest gripe here is: WHY are there no seasonal fields. Especially with the farm dragons, this feels like a wasted opportunity.

I could go on and on about this game, but I'm getting tired here. I should make clear I still enjoyed my time with the game, but that was all despite its flaws.
Overall it is an underwhelming, half cooked sequel that could've benefitted from another year or two in development. It feels half finished only.

Lastly: It's greatest strength is the fact that I can wear my cheep cheep sandals and little blue hair bow in cutscenes.

Reviewed on Oct 31, 2022
