At perhaps one of the most tumultuous junctures of my life thus far CS4 really gave me what I needed most and I couldn't be more thankful to experience this story. Undoubtedly, all Trails games have numerous remarkable features, and for CS4, the most captivating aspect for me was witnessing Rean's growth. From a boy who consistently chose to carry the weight of everything on his shoulders, coupled with an incessant feeling of inadequacy and self-doubt, to a man who learned to rely on his friends and all the bonds he had created along the way. His journey as a character didn’t feel like just another character to me in comparison to the others in the series, it may sound a bit "corny" but being able to see all the various facets of his identity be picked and prodded throughout the Erebonia arc and finding myself resonating with many of his traits only served to make him that much more impactful. However, Rean wasn’t the sole reason why this game is so special to me as there was a lot more in this that created this experience. Seeing both the Crossbell and Liberl casts return was so damn awesome especially finally being able to play with them in 3D, and the threads they wove from the previous arcs entangling seamlessly into the framework of the war narrative created one of the most powerful gaming experiences I’ve ever had the pleasure of encountering. The amount of detail and care Falcom put into connecting everything together truly made it feel like a cohesive and complete story and seeing how the events and characters from the previous arcs played a significant role in the overarching conflict was so damn cooooooool. Furthermore, the side quests, lore, and of course the RAWWWWWW soundtrack also played a huge part in my enjoyment as they made sure I was never bored of the game and enabled me to binge it comfortably without it feeling repetitive. Most importantly though was being given as many questions as answers and this means that this drug supply is not exhausted whatsoever so my excitement for haji and kuro went up a thousand fold and I can’t wait to play those as well in the future (tomorrow)!!!


Reviewed on Mar 20, 2023
