I love the ambition on display here. Knowing that something like this released back in the 90's on the SNES is wild to me -- it's rare to even see something like Live A Live in today's gaming landscape. The game also backs up its ambition by being pretty damn fun, with a nice take on a classic turn-based system with a lite strategy RPG aspect to it. Not all of the chapters really hit for me, with some feeling like more of a drag, but each chapter being only a few hours at most helped with the pacing. Unfortunately, that short length made it more challenging to connect with any of the characters or tell an in-depth story. It did also take a while for the game to reach its overarching structure, but when it did I was fully on board. I'd love to go back and play the original someday to compare, but this was certainly a solid game.

Reviewed on Oct 06, 2022
