Mechanically, it wears out its welcome by the halfway point. I really did want to enjoy it, but eventually, it just became a chore. It's clear that it's a low budget game and the gameplay just became a mindless game of mashing buttons. I do like that you can time your blocks, but it never felt as satisfying as something like Bayonetta or Ys VIII.

The Senran Kagura character portraits are godawful. They look too stretched out in the Y-direction and its weirdly unsettling. Even the goddess herself, Yumi looks mediocre. Homura's eyes in particular are ridiculously weird and it's clear that the artists spent more time making sure the non Senran Kagura girls looked good. Character models wise, I do like Black Heart and Purple Heart's ninja designs. They're cool additions that strengthen the ninja aesthetic of the game. Also, it's clear that they just ported over the Senran Kagura models with minimal effort.

It's fine for fans of the games, but it would've been spectacular for them to actually put more effort in this project...

The story is standard Neptunia writing. It's got its fun moments that occasionally put a smile on my face, but those moments were few and far between. The more serious nature of the Senran Kagura games was not there. The game totally does the generic calling for everyone's help trope with very little effectiveness. It's really not anything to write home about besides how mediocre it is.

Combat feels too stiff. Dodging and guarding lacks the responsiveness you'd expect in an action game. At times, it would feel like the block wouldn't trigger. The forms are neat to some extent, though the costume changes are really lame. The special moves are fun to spam at times, but it felt like they either break the flow too often or cause you to end up taking too much damage. I like the shurikens and kunai, but throwing them felt too slow. Strengthening your characters also felt too indirect. Gems to allocate to damaging specific types of enemies, gain more EXP from specific enemies, etc. Not a fan since it was too specialized.

It's still nice to support Neptunia and Senran Kagura, but it felt like IF just leaned completely on the marketing. Also, I hate that mode where you balance on a peach with your controller. Was tempted to get all the achievements, but that peach mode and the general tedium I felt once I completed the game left me feeling pretty unmotivated.

Reviewed on Mar 11, 2023
