I appreciate what it was trying to do. It was going for a very minimalist approach. No real story, not that many enemies, only 4 areas, and I'm all for that idea. My issue is that it took this minimalist philosophy much to far for my taste.

For instance, every boss battle in the game is the same boss over again, just with one added attack. Kindof a neat idea, but I would've preferred different bosses. This game also has next to no enemy variety, and none of the enemies in it are interesting to fight aside from the boss, which is far too easy. With one exception outside of the boss, every enemy in the game either moves back and forth in a static path like a Mario enemy, or sits in place and launches projectiles in a specific direction. That is all you'll be fighting for the entire game until you move through the final area, where giant bat enemies will actually chase you around (again, they're the only enemy that does so outside of the boss). And they are supremely annoying to fight because you can't shoot diagonally. You can shoot in 4 directions. Again, it's the whole minimalist approach being taken too far. Even the platforming suffers, as you can't even jump at different heights depending on how long you hold the button down. I was infuriated before I learned this because I kept jumping into enemies and projectiles.

So yeah I don't really like this game very much. Its strong suits are its length, which is just over 2 hours, its artwork which is very good, and a couple of its abilities being fun to use (the plane shift ability is the best thing about this game by far). Overall I'd say this is skippable.

Reviewed on Aug 01, 2020
