scott pilgrim vs the world is a game carried almost entirely by its style, because while its a game with beautiful spritework and a bangin soundtrack, the game itself is kind of a slog to get through alone.

i personally dont like beat em ups, so i think im a little biased here, but MAN is this game boring. every level lasted way too long, the lack of checkpoints and lives meant that if you got a game over, (which was quite the frequent occurrence, since this game gets HARD) your ass was going all the way back to the start.

now, with all that said, i think my experience may have been a little better if i'd played with some friends, since thats how most beat em ups are meant to be played. not only that, but you can tell this game was lovingly crafted by people who cared about the source material, since theres a ton of really cute references. its mostly references to the movie, not the comics, but it counts. also the soundtrack by anamanaguchi is undeniably amazing

if you're a big fan of the source material, id say give this game a runthrough with some pals just to see what its like

Reviewed on Feb 29, 2024
