gish is one of those games where you either mesh with it really well and get a hang of its weird control scheme, or you absolutely cannot stand it and find its controls to be way too unintuitive and frustrating.

that being said, i think im in that first camp. i love gish and think its a really interesting piece of edmund history. its interesting to see a game that retains edmund's more grody style from his older works like the badlands, and while its certainly not a great looking game from an objective standpoint, i cant help but love how it looks.

the controls are really odd and take a lot of getting used to, but are REALLY satisfying once you can wrangle them. that being said, its certainly not for everyone, and are extremely unintuitive for newcomers. its something you gotta get a feel for on your own, and i think it could be better explained ingame.

overall, id say check out gish if you either
A.) want to see an interesting part of edmund mcmillen's game history

or B.) enjoy wack games with really jank mechanics and controls

Reviewed on Feb 29, 2024
