Cannot believe the average rating on this game tbh, this game is very underrated.

The game focuses on a fantastic story of a family coming together to save the world, growing up in an extremely hostile environment and learning to hone their skills to fight back against the growing evil. The characters were well developed, the graphics were lovingly made, and the gameplay was a lot of fun as you unlock characters with different abilities and level up through hack and slash dungeons. It's a roguelite, so you don't start from zero constantly, but there is the RNG element that can make some dungeons feel like a breeze and others like a slog. I am not a persistent gamer and will quit things anytime - I love to quit! But the gameplay loop and my emotional investment in the story kept me going through the end and even into a bit of the game+ mode. Also that narrator! Haven't felt that at home with a narrator since Winnie the Pooh.

It's definitely worth playing, and I would recommend giving it a try!

Reviewed on Jan 02, 2024
