We had a game when I was a kid, on Windows 3.1 I believe, that was about packing things. Like packing a suitcase before a trip, or the briefcase before a day at the office. I thought it was extremely satisfying, and wished there were more games like that. Unpacking is of course the exact opposite in theory, but scratches the same itch. It feels very satisfying to neatly arrange a drawer or a shelf in this isometric world.
Seeing the story of the main character unfold in the clues taped up in packing boxes was a storytelling device that I really enjoyed. When she moved into the apartment with her boyfriend and the only place I could fit her diploma was in a forgotten spot where it wouldn’t be seen, I yelled, “no, girl, get a partner who values you and makes space for your accomplishmeeeents!” Such are the lessons we learn in our 20s. The story was sweet, the graphics were cute, but overall it’s just really relaxing to unpack a pixel box in a way that unpacking real ones is not. I would not pay full price for it, though, it’s pretty short, although they tried to add replay value through the sticker collection achievements. I wish there were more games like this.

Reviewed on Jan 26, 2024
