What is going on over there with you Sega? Horizons and now this? If this is Sonic trajectory going forward I'm going to be tapping out

Before getting to what really annoyed me, in general I found the levels to be rather bland and if you had told me they got DIMPS back to make this I would have believed you. Aside from two tracks the music is forgettable. New Character is cool though, I like her and its funny cuz I was just talking to a friend about how we need more of that type in sonic's friend group. I didn't care for any of the emerald powers and most of them I found pretty useless outside of their intended purposes and more than half are useless against bosses imo. Also why does the slow down time power not slow the timer?

I don't know how they managed to do it, but they made every single boss in this game tedious and you are WAY too reliant on insta kills but you also add multiple phases and time limits (unless the timer means nothing since I was fighting a boss for several minutes despite it being at 0:00). Plus you have the bosses have prolonged immunity states. I was bouncing on the boss for 5 second and it took no damage where as just about any other 2d sonic game it would have been obliterated. I originally wrote this before "fully" beating it but that has since changed however my general opinion of the game has not. I was pretty lukewarm on the game before doing this unlocked stuff but I decided to continue on and I quite frankly regret it.

Reviewed on Oct 25, 2023
