Always a joy to replay Final Fantasy 5. Love the camp, tongue in cheek script and even think the characters become unironically quite compelling. Of the classic final fantasy games it is easily the most replayable thanks to its versatile job system, and the quality of life improvements like autosave and boosters make doing so even easier. In fact it encouraged me to step out of my box a bit more and try more than just my standard "Spellblade/Rapid Fire, Time Magic/Mix, Blue Magic/Summon, and Throw/Zeninage" builds and experiment with other ways of breaking the job system! After all, if I can quadruple ability points, why not see what bards and dancers could bring to the table.
However, it is a bit disappointing to see the bonus dungeon added in the Advance version removed from the game. Not because it was particularly good, but in an age where its pretty common knowledge how to breeze through even the games toughest superbosses, the lack of optional endgame content is felt.
That said, I don't feel especially short changed by this version and will have little issue playing it as the definitive version in future.

Reviewed on Apr 30, 2023
