Even though I played both vanilla DMC and this w putting this here lo
A game not just for die-hard of the series but newcomers alike, what feels like hours of fan-service is also an amazing game in it’s own right. The combat is fucking stellar and when mastered, it’s honestly crazy to watch. Even the smallest things, like taunts being incorporated into combos and such.
The OST is great, but honestly kind of lacks the metal feel that DMC3 had, replacing it with meh dubstep. Where it realy shines is the lyrical songs. Such as Devil Trigger, Crimson Clouds, Subhuman(i like the new version ok), and most importantly Bury The Light. With the small but amazing edition of chorus and different parts of the song coinciding with your style meter, normal fights almost feel like cutscenes.
The story is crazy and as corny as ever, with your average cringy lines especially from the newcomer V. V’s gameplay lacks sometimes, but his character is very fun to watch on screen and in cutscenes. Overall, this game is an amazing culmination of everything the series has to offer, and I strongly recommend playing the rest of the series before to fully enjoy this.

Reviewed on Mar 08, 2021
