The game is only around four hours long, but I think that's better for this game, since you can't skip any cutscenes and you can get to the choices faster. I played it solo, but it seems like a good multiplayer game.

Everybody looks like they're made out of shiny plastic, somehow worse than Until Dawn. The characters feel heavy to control, and you sometimes have to be in a certain position to view objects, so you'll find yourself moving back and forth trying to get in the right place.

I enjoyed the game's story, but it was rather barebones and feel like there could have been some more "inbetween" parts. It's very linear.

The characters in this game are pretty bland. They are all just kinda there. Nobody really "evolves", bar maybe Brad. With the choices you make, your traits change and your relationships go up or down, it doesn't seem to make a difference. They always act the same.

I think it's weird to single out Conrad to put on the cover. Maybe it's just because of his actor. He doesn't do anything particularly main character worthy. In fact he was completely absent in my playthrough.

Reviewed on Oct 06, 2022
