What the fuck?

In the last year or so I have played and beaten Elden Ring, Contra, Ghostrunner II, Kirby Nightmare in Dream Land, and now Metal Slug 7. I’ve played some bullshit games, okay? What in the actual fuck is this difficulty? Beginner mode is like if Contra had an extra hard mode. WHO IS PLAYING THIS ON HARD?

You can barely see what’s killing you half the time, and when something does kill you it’s of course the annoying little blue and red bullets from normal soldiers. I just don’t understand why the hell there’s SO MUCH SHIT all over the screen.

Anyways, when you’re not ripping your hair out because of some nonsense, it’s honestly really fun to just blow shit up constantly. This is what makes the Metal Slug franchise a true arcade classic, it’s a nonstop action packed shooter. Don’t forget to use your bombs like my dumbass did.

I can see the appeal here, and I had a lot of fun, but god damn, how is this harder than fighting Malenia in Elden Ring? This unrelenting difficulty is a huge turnoff, because the easiest option is still like trying to take a dump with your anus zip tied shut. 6/10.

Reviewed on Mar 27, 2024
