Very scary. You can tell this game was made out of a discontent on Scott's part with the reception of FNAF 3 being "not that scary," because that's basically all this game is good at. The designs are whatever, almost corny, but the way the audio lures you in to pay close attention and the way the light obscures their figures as much as possible until they get you really does work. I'm also glad the jump-scare sound in this game is much quieter than in all the other games, because the contrast made between the quiet ambient noises you have to focus on to that scream alone make it loud as can be. This game's real big fuck up though was what it did to the story, it became so schizophrenic and impossible to solve after how vague this game was about everything, and how it answered questions no one really even knew about let alone wanted to know the answers for. FNAF never recovered from this game

Reviewed on Apr 05, 2023
