compared to the genesis version of sparkster i definitely think this game feels a lot more like a continuation of rocket knight 1 because mechanically and visually it definitely feels more aligned with that game and feels like a bit more of a proper sequel, but honestly i still feel like this game has one major shortcoming and its some of the level designs. the amount of random instakills from getting squashed by obstacles in some of these platforming levels was so annoying and it alone brought this game down a little for me. at the same time though one thing i will blame myself for that probably wouldve made this playthrough go a little more smoothly was the fact that you had a second air dash type move that you could cancel your jetpack boost with and that was a really cool mechanic that i didnt even know existed until halfway through the game and it was the reason i missed like several 1ups and gems along the way, so i fully take the blame for being stupid and not trying out all the buttons. i do think everything else in this game was pretty fun though. when things arent instakilling you the levels are pretty fun to go through. a little easy at times especially considering they give you 5 continues but overall not a bad game to follow up the first rocket knight with, i could see myself trying this one out again to improve at it and not die as much. they also killed it with the music in this version too, all around they just know how to make good music for these games

Reviewed on Jan 28, 2024
