unsure if this is something i'll come back to. i like scott pilgrim a lot and this game definitely has the style, personality, vibes, etc. but god as a video game it is just kinda lame. it takes way too long to unlock new moves, it takes way too long to kill enemies (not because of health amount but because of how hitting enemies is in this game), it feels way too easy to die and get lost when playing with friends, idk man. it seems like it has potential to play well and can have moments where it's a little fun but it needs to be better mechanically. when i played this with a couple other friends we got up to level 4 i think, game overed, and then our other plans for the day were starting so we put this game down and never came back. maybe i'll have to give it another shot in the future because in my mind i would at least like to beat this game with some other people

Reviewed on May 14, 2024
