Look, I really, REALLY like this game, and you wouldn't catch me saying a bad word about it. The story is a masterclass in Fromsoft's iconic worldbuilding, told through the badly damaged lense of item descriptions and cryptic, slow-paced conversations. The gameplay is pretty much exactly what you'd expect, the character designs are pretty goddamn slick, and the bosses are as solid as ever. By rights, I should adore this game.

But something about it just feels kinda... eh, y'know? It feels like all the interesting shit happened before your character woke up at the bottom of a sopping wet cave, to a degree I consider much more substantial than in other Fromsoft titles. This might just be a me thing, but it still impacted my experience more than I'd like to admit.

Oh yeah, it's also horribly optimized for PC. If you don't have a controller, you're not gonna have a good time.

Reviewed on Mar 23, 2023
