just a grand ol time

i played this trilogy religiously back in the day, and recently got an itch to revist the game for whatever reason. i remember thinking this game was ass when i played it last, boy was i wrong. the game holds up incredibly well, despite definitely having aged in some areas.

visually, the game definitely holds up. the island setting looks beautiful, lush, and its really atmospheric as the time of day changes and you get closer to el dorado. even the character models, despite the empty looking eyes and weird hair still look pretty dang good despite coming out over 15 years ago. it's cool seeing drake, elena, and sully all in their first incarnations. anyway, it really is a feat how many different genres drake's fortune seems to flex into. everything from adventure to even a bit of survival horror near the end.

the gameplay is somewhat rough around the edges, though nowhere near as bad as people say. gunplay is fun, even if the cover system is somewhat buggy. stealth is complete ass and basically nonexistent, however, because if you so much step near an enemy that's turned the other way, the entire group is trying to kill you within a second. so best to just shoot rather than do stealth, and iirc there was never full on stealth mechanics until U4. it's just really fun to shoot from behind cover. parkour is also really fun, never had any complaints with that.

story is somewhat basic, but it's still really charming and fun. dialogue is great too, really digging the entire b movie vibes. idk, just through every facet of the game i just get the vibe the team loved making this game. idk when ill delve into U2, but i remember loving that one a lot more. might even give that one a 10 on replay. id love if this game got a remake, the island would look even more beautiful. though with only being 5 hours long it wouldnt be worth 70 bucks.

Reviewed on May 25, 2024

1 Comment

uncharted 2 was definitely my fav of the trilogy, glad you ended up liking this one more