Look, Celery.

I'm sorry, but... I have to let you go.

I was immediately smitten with you from the start. The way you talked about food and flavors and how you could taste with your ears left me breathless. I laughed and curled my disgusting rat tail when you talked about your berry-infused hats. And when you tasted me with those ears... My heart was racing.

We made some incredible memories together. And that's what makes this so difficult. We could have been something truly special together, but... you've changed. You once were a passionate rat, eager to share your love of hear-eating with those around you, but you've grown cold. Pretentious. Maybe even a little full of yourself. I didn't feel valued anymore. I just can't be with someone who lacks humility.

I'm sorry.

Also there's this ghost rat and I'm kind of morally obligated to propose to her so she can finally move on to the afterlife, I'm sure you understand

Reviewed on Oct 07, 2023
