Have you ever heard people talk about a classic game or movie for 10+ years, to the point that you assume it's one of the all-time greats, despite never having actually tried it?

By the mid-2000s, I had heard people wax nostalgic for Paperboy dozens upon dozens of times. It felt like it was in the same conversation as arcade classics like Galaga or Donkey Kong. Around 2005 I finally got my hands on it.

Guess what! It was terrible!

I have tried one version or another of this awful game every couple of years since then, and every time I wonder the same thing: "What is there to enjoy here?!?" It's such a frustrating, miserable experience, and it blows me away that people ever sank quarters into this hellspawn's arcade cabinet.

I hate this game so much.

Reviewed on May 27, 2022
