An absolute graphical marvel for the hardware! Right off the bat, the character scaling as Carnby moves from the background to the foreground is legitimately stunning, I've never seen anything like this on GBC before. It even plays semi-competently as an adventure game, but a lack of a scrolling camera quickly becomes an issue. The edge of each screen is hyper-sensitive, any touch in the general area will take you to the next screen. In classic survival-horror fashion, each bit of a room or hallway is viewed at a different angle, so keeping your bearings can be frustrating, and getting a sense of the space you're in is often difficult. Also, combat is done with random encounters for some reason?? My guess is they didn't have the storage space for size-scaling sprites for enemy characters, so instead of having them move across the more impressive pre-rendered backgrounds, you enter a JRPG-esque battle arena when it's fightin' time.

I wholeheartedly recommend that everyone with NSO play this for a bit, there's a good chance you've never played anything quite like it! It's a bit too obtuse to recommend finishing, I tapped out after about an hour of screwing around and getting lost, but I had a good enough time with it. More weird stuff like this on NSO please!!

Reviewed on Feb 28, 2023
