Infection is... fine. It's not the strongest iteration of the "Zombies" concept, I really didn't play it unless the weekly goals required it. The points are done really weirdly, and I'm still not sure how I feel about the zombie speed. The battle pass was okay, it had some cool coatings (though their duplicate entries for each weapon or armor core felt like obvious filler), and ended with a weapon model, which is nice. However, some of the week-long events were really good this season and had better rewards than the battle pass itself! This season easily added more maps than any other up to this point, and Forge only gets better and better as time goes on. @habitablestorm3 is doing some crazy stuff in there!

The single best thing to happen this season is Squad Battle, an 8v8 mode using legacy maps. It's definitely attracting a more hardcore audience, and it's not uncommon for one team to obliterate the other, but 8-a-side just feels better than 12v12, and these old maps are so well balanced. I had a great time even if I was getting slaughtered!

It's been a perfectly serviceable season, though the lack of cross-core cosmetics has led to a LOT of bloat since a single coating can be unlocked for each armor, and we've got 8 of those now. Really hoping cross-core isn't a pipe dream and actually happens this year!

Reviewed on Aug 23, 2023


8 months ago

They said the repeat entries of coatings in the battlepass was actually a UI limitation thing, that they expect to be fixed by Season 5. So, my hope is that in S5 we can see like, one coating take up just one spot in the bp progression, but when you unlock it - ding, you got it for every existing armor core. Things are trending in an increasingly positive direction. I think if they deliver more cross-core (helmets?), the above-mentioned battlepass adjustment, and surprise us with something 'big' ish (Firefight?).... Season 5 could be there best update yet. I was also super encouraged to see them FINALLY add a Forge Map into 12v12 yesterday... Hope they add more, and hope they expand 8v8 from 5 maps to 7 or so. Event cadence was perfect in s4, they can just bring that energy to s5 and we're good on that front.

8 months ago

@ARW3 I'm definitely optimistic for S5!

7 months ago

@thealexmott Dang. We absolutely were right to be optimistic. It would appear that... they absolutely cooked.

7 months ago