My favourite ever experience in gaming.

When I bought this game, I didn't have any nostalgia bias going in, however I was getting deep into my Playstation JRPG discovery phase, a genre I was obsessed with. I was a big fan of the first Suikoden and it's somewhat chill nature. This game, however, ticked every box.

The story had me immensely engaged throughout, whether that was the politics, betrayals or the magnitude of Luca Blight's evil. The secret ending gave me goosebumps, I remember being so nervous as I worked through it.

I absolutely love the visuals, they feel so timeless, and there's something so rewarding about the character recruitment throughout. The battle system isn't complicated, but with so much to do in the game to focus on this didn't feel like a bad thing. I was never overly enthusiastic about the mini games throughout the castle but it was nice to know they were available.

The best thing I can praise about Suikoden 2 is it's atmosphere throughout, you can really feel everything going on in the game as a person. A real remarkable game and my all time favourite.

Reviewed on Mar 26, 2023
