decided to give this a revisit with the sequel coming and i hadn't played it since back on 360. it had been awhile but i mostly remembered this as a mixed experience with ups and downs. playing today, that mostly felt correct though i wonder if i'm less forgiving of said downs than i used to be.

a lot of my struggles with the game can be tied to a lack of variety whether that comes down to the gameplay loop itself, the settings, or even the enemy types. the game is only 8-12 hours long but it feels like triple that because you're constantly going through similar looking wooded areas (there's finally a shift from this in some of the later episodes but it doesn't last long before it goes back) with never ending enemy mobs up your ass constantly. the combat is interesting in concept with the use of light to make enemies vulnerable to your bullets but the execution is lacking. this wouldn't have been as big of a deal if the combat wasn't so prevalent or fleeing was more feasible but Alan can't move to save his life. i'm pretty sure i could run further than he can and i'm fat as hell. 😭😭😭

there's interest to be had with the narrative and the game does look good but i'm not sure if it's enough to outweigh the rough patches. Alan Wake II is looking to play better from what little i've seen of the gameplay but it also seems like Remedy is saying shit like the game is 20 hours long which is a massive red flag for me after this one. i guess i'll have to see how it (and the DLC for this plus American Nightmare) turns out.

Reviewed on Sep 28, 2023
